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Announcing the New Executive Director



Neda Nabavi has resigned as the Executive Director of Shabeh Jomeh. Shabeh Jomeh eagerly announces the appointment of Hanieh "Hani" Orangi as the Executive Director.

Hani launched the Bay Area Chapter in 2008 and has been a strong leader. Professionally, Hani has worked in various companies including: Cisco Systems, VMware, Diamond Foods as a Talent Management Strategist; she currently works at Apple.

Hani Orangi was born in Iran. Currently she lives and works in the Bay Area and has been active in many Iranian community groups as a volunteer and/or supporter. Hani started the Bay Area Chapter in 2008 and continues to lead and propel the organization to the next level. She attended SDSU for both her B.A. and M.A. Hani has worked in various companies including: Cisco Systems, VMware, Diamond Foods as a Talent Management Strategist; she currently works at Apple. In 1996, Hani and three other friends started the Persian Club at De Anza College, which continues to thrive.

She participates in numerous charitable and social organizations and has a strong sense for community unity. When she's not busy working and organizing social events she can be found spending time with her family, traveling, sky diving, playing tennis, and cycling.

About Shabeh Jomeh Shabeh Jomeh is a monthly gathering of Iranian professionals living in the metropolitan areas of major cities. The event is designed to improve upon existing professional and social relations and is intended to be the platform for exchanging ideas and improving Iranians' professional standing in our communities. This gathering is a non-political, non-religious event and is open to all professionals. Shabeh Jomeh has created a bond between all of our communities and a great network upon which we can all capitalize. Each Shabeh Jomeh has its own character within the framework of the simple formula highlighted—building a community to help us both socially and professionally advance. Each Chapter convenes on the 3rd Thursday of each month.


A decade ago today, I launched the Chicago Chapter of Shabeh Jomeh. Nervous and anxious about what would happen, almost a hundred people showed up to the event. Since then Shabeh Jomeh in Chicago has flourished and hosted over 120 events. As an international organization it has expanded its reach to 10 cities connecting thousands of professionals from London to San Francisco.

I am proud to be a part of an organization that has connected so many people within our Iranian community as well as to our local communities. We have improved Iranians relations with one another and given back to others by coming together.

With pride in our achievements, it has come time for me to resign as Executive Director of Shabeh Jomeh and eagerly announce the appointment of Hanieh "Hani" Orangi as our Executive Director.

Hani launched the Bay Area Chapter in 2008 and has been a strong leader. Professionally, Hani has worked in varies companies including: Cisco Systems, VMware, Diamond Foods as a Talent Management Strategist; she currently works at Apple.

I know she will do everything she can to ensure Shabeh Jomeh continues to stay true to its mission and grow. Please join me in congratulating her on the new role within the organization.

I leave you all with this thought "The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity." (Keith Ferrazzi) Remember that greed and generosity are not always about money, its time and energy. As you connect and help others whether it is through mentoring, making introductions, or being a sounding board, you will learn something about yourself that will, hopefully, help you develop as a professional.

Wishing each of you the utmost success in your professional pursuits and thank you for your support over the last decade!

Best regards,

Neda Nabavi

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